The teachers were using the school hall so we met to get changed in the outdoor classroom which was really nice and we think we will meet there in future when the weather is kind. It was great to see that some of the children had come with sun screen and were happy sharing it around with their friends. Once everyone was ready we moved to the FS area it was clear from the start that it was just too hot to be really engaged. The two older boys went off to finish their last A frame ladder and the rest of the group reluctantly went off in search of wood for the fire they were going to make. Once we had sorted the wood into match size, pencil size and thumb thick and the length of a forearm it was time to have a go with the fire steel. We moved into the fire pit area and broke out the cotton wool pads everyone opened them out to make fluffy duck bills then we passed the fire steel around so everyone could have a go at lighting their cotton wool. Once the cotton wool was all burnt up we laid the fire and lit it to boil the kettle on.
As always an activity is not compulsory at FS so while fire making and ladder building was going on other members of the group were playing in the den and other were being creative drawing with charcoal and making daisy chains.
The previous day while leading FS at the Courts we played the tracking game were you have two teams and one lays a trail using markers and the other time after counting goes to seek them. Our heat drained group today just could not find the energy and in the end a small group went off to play and seem to enjoy themselves. Two boys were still playing while having their hot chocolate one laying a trail and the other counting between sips, so it may come out another day.
The Last A frame was finished and the three were lent up against each other formed a three side climbing frame. The next challenge for next term is a play platform (a low to the ground tree house). The boys have done really well using tools such as a bow saw and a fix bladed knife reading instructions and learning new knots and lashings.
Next week cook out pizza and hot dogs and not forgetting the hot chocolate!