Before our sessions this week I went into the Forest School and started putting in a roof into the climbing tree, as the Friday crew want to put in a floor in. The roof will also help with the remembering of not going too high when climbing. The Thursday group worked on moving the den building pile, ready for a surprise construction for the end of term next week. They worked really hard and turned the pile into a new den amidst the younger trese on the site.

After snack time we divided up, some went off to play and the rest went into the shelter to learn how to use the fire steels. We sat around the fire pit and took it in turn to open up a cotton wool pad and place it in the fire surround. After a quick demo we past the fire steel around and everyone managed to set their cotton wool on fire.
From fire to water Friday was very wet so the tarps came out and a few of the children went about building shelters. Working on measuring and cutting wood for the floor in the climbing tree we looked around for a makeshift saw horse. The climbing tree turned out to be a perfect saw horse and using a Laplander saw we cut the wood and then put it up in the tree. The boys experimented with Japanese square lashing, raft lashing and normal square lashing.
One of the projects we are going to have a go at next term is building a clay oven near the shelter. There is an old clay oven in the playing field which the group has started taking down so we can reuse the materials. The combination of rain and clay meant there were one or two children went home with a slight red hue.