When we finished building our clay oven last term we had had a heep of clay left over. This is now being turned into dust with make shift tools as part of one of the games a group are playing. Even in the heat they pound away working together to what aim I not sure but it probably has something to do with the worship of the all great chuggy pig. The humble woodlouse has become the focus of a number of the children with the building of houses and roads basically a hugh infrastructure for these creatures to live in.
Another group the den buliders have been on the move this week taking over the space we use when its wet as their new home. It great to watch as they collect more and more stuff over the period of a term which all has to be moved from one location to another. The group will sometimes ask an adult to help with the really big logs but most of the time, they quite happily work as a tem to move.
The groups got creative making a sculpture to welcome visitors to the Forest School as it is the school fair tomorrow and we will be up for inspection from the rest of the school. Along with this art work a number of clay sculptures were made to adorn the Forest School.