Thursday, 17 November 2011

Session three

Each week we try to keep to a similar format so the children feel comfortable being at Forest School and this helps develop their self-confidence.  We meet in the hall then the children run on ahead to the archway where they wait for Helen and I.  Then we all go and sit around the fire pit where we play the animal name game and go over the safety rules.  While Helen or myself starts the fire the children go and collect firewood remembering to keep the adults in sight.  We then go over the knots we have done and learn a new one.  We then have hot chocolate and a biscuit once the cups are cleared away we do an activity, which applies the new knot. Before we finish it's back on the logs and then we do some improvement to the Forest School site planting or making paths etc.
We always finish by planning for the next week.  This is child led, I suggests a few things and everyone votes on what they want to do and the majority wins. The final thing is a round of the animal name game before we head back to the hall. 
This week we swapped things about a bit and after collecting the firewood we planted trees because you can’t have a forest without trees.  The activity that everyone was excited about was building two rope swings.  Because of time constrain we left learning the knot we would be using until next week so that everyone had a turn on the swing.

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