Last session of the term, which must mean a cook out. Before we could cook we needed a fire, so while everybody else went is search of wood the three eldest children set to building. Each child was sent to the wood store to find different lengths and thickness of wood. When they returned to the fire pit they built a raft and then added newspaper and the matchstick size sticks crisscrossed on the top. Then around the outside they built a giant tipi of pencil and thumb thick sticks. I was not allowed to use matches today but told to get the fire steel out and with one spark the fire was alight and then promptly went out but it was soon roaring away after the initial false start.

Next term we are going to return to knots, as there has been a request for rope swings and we may have a go at making a rope bridge too. Although it is snowing as I type this spring is just around the corner so we will also be planting some wildflowers into the Forest School site. We might also make a wood and clay totem pole.
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