I've been away this week down in Devon playing in the woods with other FS leaders. Part of our C.P.T. in advanced tool use and a phrase that kept coming up was ' Process not Product' which fits neatly into what we have been doing this term with our spoon making. Yes we wanted a finished spoon that we could drink our soup with but also we were learning about using a knife, how wood cuts, how to be safe, and concentrating. What happens when you're not thinking about being safe or concentrating is you get cut or you put other in danger or even worst you muck up your work and have a new problem to solve. This Thursday we dished out two lots of plasters to members of the group one of the boys went home with a wound dressing because he was not giving the knife he was using enough respect and so ended up cutting his knuckle because he was bouncing the blade up and down his work I told him to stop just as the knife landed on his hand. The great news was the concentrating that was going into the spoons of two of the boys who went home with plasters last week maybe we all needed to cut ourselves before we learn to take more care.
I hope you can see from the photos that the group really did enjoy the fruits of their labour
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